I haven't been around much- sorry. Things have been so hectic. I haven't had time to breathe. Well, at least that is what is seems like.
When I get some more time, I will update on what I have been up to.
Fire department stuffs, Jersey Shore Restoring stuffs. Fun Stuffs.
I finally had a day to myself this past Sunday and was able to take down my Halloween mantel. Yes. I just took my Halloween decorations down on November 18th.
I never really decorated for Thanksgiving or Fall or Harvest-y stuff so this is what I was able to come up with.
Maybe next year it will better, and not so late being put up.
I was also excited to try my hand at some Salt Dough Ornaments. I kept the ingredients small since I just wanted to try them. The last thing I needed was some huge batch of glop I wasn't going to be able to use.
1c Flour (I used all purpose. I can't imagine self rising would be a good choice for these)
1/2c Salt
1/2c Water
Mix together. I used my hands- I don't have a fancy schmancy Kitchen Aid like a lot of pages said to use- my hands worked juuuust fine.
Roll it out and cut! I used some cookie cutters I had (I can't believe I knew where they were!) and some other objects I found around the house to make imprints. Use a straw to make the ornament hole.
Bake at 250* for 2 hours. (I left mine in for about 2 hours and 10 minutes.)
I have not painted them yet- Look for that new post soon. :)
I also ordered a few other cutters to make more fun ones! Cannot wait.
It's a bit early for Christmas for me, but since I was late getting Turkey day decor up, it balances things out, right? ;)
Hi Becca, I just wanted to let you know that I really like your blog and I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! See this post for more info: http://sarahsaturdiy.blogspot.com/2012/11/liebster-blog-award.html